
Applying a Eurocoat glass protection treatment will make future cleaning quick and easy. No more scrubbing with harsh chemicals. Follow our advice below and your glass will look pristine for years to come.

  • Shower

    Dry down with a squeegee after each shower to remove excess water. Once a week, add detergent or body wash soap to luke warm water, wipe glass down using a microfiber cloth rinse and then a simple dry down with a squeegee to maintain the finish. For stubborn soap build up, clean glass by applying detergent to a white scourer pad.

  • Balustrade

    If glass is located by a swimming pool (chlorine/salt water) or an irrigation system, we recommend regular hose down after use. Once a month with a glass microfiber cloth or squeegee brush, add detergent & wipe glass down, then rinse off. Dry down with a squeegee to maintain the finish. Give glass a light scrub every 2-3 months by applying detergent or body wash soap to the non-abrasive White Scourer Pad. Rinse and dry.

  • Splashback

    We recommend an easy clean with soapy water once a week (or as often as needed) will keep it looking brand new. Dry down with a squeegee to maintain the finish. Wipe off after cooking. For stubborn grease build up, clean glass by applying detergent to a white scourer pad.

  • Boat

    We recommend a hose down after each outing. Wipe off windows with soapy water and a microfiber cloth after each outing to remove the saltwater.

  • Car

    Occasionally wipe off the glass with soapy water and a microfiber cloth to maintain your treatment.